Felix Bluethner

Felix works as an analyst engineer for a luxury brand by day and a garden photographer by night! Photography, videography, and editing began as just one of his many interests and developed into his absolute passion. We are attracted to passionate and enthusiastic people and this is the reason we were first introduced. He is friends with our clients and incidentally, went to photograph their transformed garden; when our client showed us his photos we were blown away and had to meet him. Felix now regularly shoots our garden transformation, capturing the true essence of each and every completed project. 

Wanting to widen his subject repertoire, Felix was keen to moonlight as our photographer and capture awesome shots of our projects, and the team in action. We are really lucky to have him on board.

Felix is a fascinating person with so many hilarious stories about his everyday happenings or fun adventures, he can keep you entertained for hours. He is very worldly, knows many things, and travels extensively, for work and pleasure. We love his get-up-and-go kind of energy and how he’s always doing something really cool or going on a spontaneous trip.

Charismatic and lovely, Felix is so easy to talk to and totally down to earth which means that he can literally befriend anyone! In his spare time (if he ever gets any), he can be found out on the calm sea, absorbing, and also capturing (you should see his photos and drone footage), the glorious sunrises and sunsets from his paddleboard! Take a look at his Instagram profile here.

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