
Click on a photo to enlarge. Scroll down to have a read of the process involved!

The back garden:

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Immediately below is the front garden/new driveway transformation:

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It was almost 6 weeks that we spent on this tremendous project, so far our longest. And we could not have asked for better clients with which to spend our summer as they kindly looked after the whole team, feeding us bacon and egg rolls every day as well as cakes, ice cream and tonnes of drinks - we’ve never experienced anything like it! Originally the job consisted of just laying a patio and fence (which we recommended to the client thinking it would complement that lovely backdrop), then it turned into a bit of a monster with the additional turfing, pergola and front driveway. Towards the end, it was very heart-warming to see how stunned, overjoyed and emotional the client was over the whole garden transformation. An amazing feeling!